The 'Potomac Storm' name, along with related names, trademarks, service marks, logos, and other symbols and design elements displayed on this website (collectively referred to as the "Intellectual Property"), are owned by Potomac Storm VBC LLC. Content on this website, or any other, must not be construed as granting, either implicitly or otherwise, any license or right to use any names, trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, design elements, or any names, logos, design elements, or variations thereof that are confusingly similar to those created by, owned by, and previously used in commerce by Potomac Storm VBC LLC, without the express written permission of Potomac Storm VBC LLC. The Intellectual Property of Potomac Storm VBC LLC is exclusively owned by Potomac Storm VBC LLC and is protected under US Code Title 17, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the Copyright Act of 1976, the US Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8, and WV Code 47-2.
Use of Potomac Storm VBC LLC's Intellectual Property requires prior written consent from the owner(s) of Potomac Storm VBC LLC, without which one may face civil litigation and fines.
Should written permission to use the Intellectual Property be granted, Potomac Storm VBC LLC reserves the right to revoke such approval at any time, at its sole discretion, without prior notice. Upon receiving a notice from Potomac Storm VBC LLC or its authorized agent(s), the notified individual(s) or entity(ies) must immediately adhere to the directive to cease and desist any use of the Intellectual Property.
Please be aware that if any party persists in using the Intellectual Property of Potomac Storm VBC LLC after receiving a Notice to Cease and Desist from Potomac Storm VBC LLC or its agents, the unauthorized user will face civil litigation and will be liable for all associated legal costs, including but not limited to attorney's fees and court expenses incurred by Potomac Storm VBC LLC. Additionally, any profits made through the unauthorized use of Potomac Storm VBC LLC's Intellectual Property will be forfeited to Potomac Storm VBC LLC, along with any other relief deemed just and appropriate by the court.
Only authorized administrators of Potomac Storm VBC LLC (excluding coaches or parents) are permitted to create and manage social media pages, websites, or other platforms that use the name(s) Potomac Storm, Potomac Storm Volleyball Club, Potomac Storm VBC, PSVBC, Storm, or any logos, design elements, variations of the same, or confusingly similar names, logos, or designs related to volleyball, or any other intellectual property belonging to Potomac Storm VBC LLC.
NOTICE - ANY perceived right of any party, to use ANY Intellectual Property of Potomac Storm VBC LLC, including but not limited to the name(s) Potomac Storm, Potomac Storm VBC, Potomac Storm Volleyball Club, PSVBC, any variation thereof, or any LOGO created and/or used by Potomac Storm VBC LLC, in any manner, including but not limited to ANY USE of the same, or any confusingly similar name, mark, or logo, on any apparel product, social media page, platform, application, or on the world wide web, is hereby withdrawn effective August 1, 2024.
In order to protect the Intellectual Property ownership rights, of Potomac Storm VBC LLC, this policy will be strictly enforced, PURSUANT TO RULE 16(A) of the 2023-24 and 2024-25 Season's PSVBC Parent/Player Agreement, and all applicable state and/or federal laws.
Copyright © 2024 Potomac Storm VBC LLC. All Rights Reserved